Atlanta Officer Caught Punching Mother not Fired

An Atlanta police officer punched a woman in the face and tased her in front of her young daughter for resisting arrest.

What We Know: 

  • On May 1, a male police officer (who has not been named) was patrolling Maggie Thomas’ apartment complex and had been advised to be on the lookout for a car that matched the one Thomas was sitting in with her 4-year-old daughter.  He approached the vehicle and asked the woman if the car belonged to her.  In his report, the officer stated that Thomas became “agitated” when he questioned her.
  • The officer went back to his car and ran the woman’s name through the police database. In his report, he claimed that the woman had a warrant out for her arrest for a speeding ticket. The officer then went back to the apartment complex and attempted to arrest the woman. This is where things get questionable. According to the report, the police computer system was malfunctioning and he was not able to provide the warrant he claimed to have seen earlier.
  • In a video of the incident, the officer can be seen throwing Thomas to the ground and handcuffing her. He sits on top of Thomas while she is handcuffed. She can be heard asking, “Are you trying to kill me?” After he has her handcuffed, the officer tased her several times. But he’s not finished.
  • When backup arrives, the officer still has Thomas on the ground. The officer claims she bit his hand so he punches her in the eye while she is handcuffed. In a medical exam conducted on the officer after the incident, there were no bite marks found on his body.
  • The lack of bite marks, the missing warrant, the punch and the repeated tasing makes this incident very suspect.
  • Thomas’ attorney, Gerald Griggs, released a statement saying, “I believe she will be completely exonerated and I believe this officer will be held accountable.”

The unnamed officer has been placed on paid administrative leave pending an investigation of the incident.