Radio Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother

A conservative radio personality verbally attacked the mother of Botham Jean, the 26-year-old who was murdered in his apartment by police officer, Amber Guyger.

What We Know:

  • Chris Krok from WBAP 820 AM in Texas commented on Jean’s mother, Allison that “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.”
  • Krok questioned the mother’s motives for seeking justice for her son stating “Botham Jean’s mother is either being lied to, or has been lied to, by her race pimp attorneys’ [because] she has several race pimp attorneys, or she is lying to us, scheming.”
  • Perhaps the most egregious remark made by Krok was his assertion that the shooting was the work of God in that “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”
  • S. Lee Merritt, an attorney for the Jean family, posted a video of the remarks made by Krok calling Krok’s words “dangerous, defamatory and uniquely evil.”
  • Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, she mistook Jean’s apartment for her own and because the door was open, she thought it was a home invasion. She shot him twice before realizing she was in the wrong apartment. Many people did not believe her story for a number of reasons, but namely, video footage that showed the apartment doors in the building shut automatically.
  • On Dec. 1, a grand jury indicted the former officer with the murder of Jean but Guyger was booked and then released on a $200,00 bond.

To hear the remarks made by Krok, watch the video below.