New Presidential Candidate ‘Seth Moulton’ says White People Need To Look In The Mirror

U.S. Congressman Seth Moulton had an exclusive interview with The Root in April and stated that “white people need to “look themselves in the mirror,” when confronting the impact that racism has on American society.

What We Know…

  • The 40-year-old Marine Corps veteran was inspired to go into politics after returning home from Iraq and realized that a lot of Americans are feeling “betrayed by Washington, the same way we did in Iraq.”
  • Moulton also acknowledged the current state of America’s policing, stating that there are too many Americans, especially black Americans, who don’t feel that officers are truly trained to protect them.
  • Moulton, who is one of the now 20 candidates in the Democratic Party, also added “I think a lot of people in white America think, ‘Oh, black America wants handouts.’ […] They want the same opportunities a white kid like myself had growing up in a middle-class town in Massachusetts. That shouldn’t be too much to ask for every American citizen, no matter the color of your skin.”
  • Although Moulton’s presidential campaign is heavily focused on veterans issues and voting rights, he was sure to mention his plans for black America if he were to win presidency such as fixing justice reform and making educational opportunities equal. 

Moulton’s campaign also focuses on jobs and the economy, and improving access to health care.