Detroit Officer who Posted Racially Insensitive Snapchat Video Mocking Driver Fired

Former Detroit officer Gary Steele was recently dismissed after posting a racially insensitive Snapchat video of a black motorist during a traffic stop.

What We Know:

  • Steele and his partner Michael Garrison were suspended without pay earlier this year after mocking African American female, Ariel Moore, for walking home after the two officers stopped her for driving with an expired license plate.
  • In the Snapchat video, after repossessing Moore’s car, the two officers can be seen making smart and offensive comments towards Moore such as, “Priceless,” “Walk of Shame,” and “Bye Felicia”, following a snapchat filter that read, “what black girl magic looks like” and “celebrating black history month.”
  • Chief James Craig fired Steele during a court hearing on Tuesday. He also said that he is waiting for the administrative investigators to complete their investigation on the incident to file criminal charges against the two officers.
  • Moore is suing Steele and Garrison for $75,000 for verbal and physical embarrassment, and endangerment due to the freezing weather conditions.
  • Chief Craig said there were 24 allegations that were brought against  Steele, 11 of the charges were sustained.
  • “I believe there are a lot of good Officers in this community. We have to pick out the bad apples on the tree and out of the communities.” Chief Craig said.

The chief is moving in the right direction. It is unknown whether or not Garrison will be charged.   Steele is getting what he deserves, hopefully he will learn to treat others with decency.