Diana Ross Mistreated by TSA

Diana Ross was on her way back from the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival when she posted a series of tweets Sunday morning about her experience with the Transportation Security Administration at the New Orleans Airport.


  • Ross Tweeted “OK so on one hand I’m treated like royalty in New Orleans and at the airport I was treated like shit.” She clarified that the people or Delta Airlines were not to blame, but felt that TSA did a little more than just a reach out a touch.
  • The singer expressed that the encounter made her feel violated and made her want to cry. Ross explained, “Its not what was done but how , I am feeling violated – I still feel her hands between my legs , front and back [sic] (saying to me it her job ,) WOW!!really mixed emotions I always like to see the good things but not feeling good right now”
  • This isn’t the first time Ross had an encounter like this. According to Deadline, the “I’m Coming Out” singer was arrested in 1999 at the Heathrow Airport in London, for an altercation she had with a TSA agent whom she accused of touching her breasts.
  • According to CNN, a TSA spokesperson said they were looking into the claims and said, “the officers involved with Ms. Ross’s screening correctly followed all protocols, however, TSA will continue to investigate the matter further.”

Later that morning, Ross shared with her fans that she was feeling better.