REPORT: RaNiya Wright, 5th grader dies after school fight

A 10-year-old South Carolina girl died from a rare brain condition and not as a result of a classroom fight, officials said Friday.

What We Know:

  • No charges will be filed in connection to the death of Raniya Wright, a fifth-grader from Forest Hills Elementary School, said 14th Circuit Solicitor Duffie Stone.
  • Raniya got into a “slap fight,” lasting only a few seconds, with another student on March 25, officials said. She complained of headaches, threw up and passed out several minutes later before she was rushed to the hospital, authorities said.
  • Pathologists found that Wright had been suffering from a brain arteriovenous malformation, a tangle of blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain, Stone told reporters on Friday.
  • The prosecutor insisted there’s no evidence that could have led him to bring a criminal case.

“In this case, the science was very clear. The science shows us that her death was natural and that there was no contributing factor to that, other than the natural progression of what turns out to be birth defect.”

  • Raniya died March 27 at Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.  The girl’s mother has said her daughter had been long bullied by the classmate involved in that fight.