Sheriff David Clarke In Consideration For Homeland Security Post

The controversial sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, may just be in line for a post in Homeland Security.

According to Politico, Sheriff David Clarke is being considered for the position of assistant secretary at DHS’ Office of Partnership and Engagement. The position would not require Senate confirmation and would involve coordination and outreach to state, local, and tribal officials.

Clarke has long been an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump but has recently come under fire for the death of Terrill Thomas, who died of dehydration in a Milwaukee County Jail cell after the guards turned off his water. He has also come under fire for a trip to Russia that he made in 2015 where he reportedly met with Dmitry Rogozin, one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s deputies.

While Clarke is being considered, a senior official told Politico that it is “not a done deal yet.”