Tag: Robert Sarver
Phoenix Suns and Mercury Owner Robert Sarver Says He’s Selling Franchises Following Investigation
Robert Sarver’s time as the owner of the Phoenix
Robert Sarver: Phoenix Suns and Mercury Owner Seeking Buyers for NBA and WNBA Teams | VIDEO | EURweb
*(CNN) — Embattled basketball team owner Rober
NBPA Exec. Dir. Calls for LIFETIME BAN of Phoenix Suns and Mercury Owner Robert Sarver | WATCH | EURweb
*(CNN) — The National Basketball Players Assoc
Suns Owner Robert Sarver Suspended and Fined by NBA Over Racist and Sexist Comments
Back in October of 2021, the Phoenix Suns and sev
Robert Sarver: Phoenix Suns Owner Fined $10M for Hostile and Racially insensitive Behavior | WATCH | EURweb
*(CNN) — The NBA has fined Phoenix Suns and Me