Tag: Merger
Car Manufacturers Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot owner PSA Group Agree on Merger Deal
A $48 billion merger between Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot owner PSA Group is creating the world’s third-largest automaker. What We Know: The reason for the […]
CBS & Viacom Merge Forming a Media Company Worth $30 Billion
On Tuesday, CBS and Viacom merged, reuniting the two companies that split in 2006, to create a media giant worth $30 billion. What We Know: […]
MERGER ALERT: GateHouse Media and Gannett Merge
Two of the largest U.S. newspaper companies, GateHouse Media and Gannett, have agreed to combine for roughly $1.4 billion on Monday. What We Know: GateHouse […]
T-Mobile/Sprint Merger Expecting Approval Thursday
The Department of Justice approved the T-Mobile and Sprint merger Friday to create a new, fourth wireless carrier and sell Sprint-owned Dish Network. What We […]