Mueller Testimony before Congress

Update 7/24/19 3:30 PM ET:

Both testimonies have concluded and can be viewed below.

Original Story 7/24/19 12:30 PM ET:

Note: Only part 1 of Mueller’s testimony has occurred. Part two before the Intelligence Committee begins this afternoon after which this post will be updated with any pertinent information from the second testimony.  Both testimonies however can be viewed in the video below.

Between 2017-2019 a special investigation into collusion accusations and Russian involvement in the 2016 US election was conducted, headed by Robert Mueller.  On April 18, 2019, a 448-page redacted version of the report was released to the public.  Since it’s release questions and speculation have surrounded the investigation and resulting report.  It has led to multiple charges and indictments on various individuals surrounding the president but stops short of charges against Trump

After refusing to make public statements regarding his report, Mueller finally made one public appearance in July essentially saying I said what I said, don’t ask me again!  He subsequently was requested to testify before a 41-member Judiciary Committee and then a 22-member Intelligence Committee.

If you don’t get anything else from Mueller’s testimony today, get this:

Mueller confirmed in his testimony that the report did NOT exonerate Trump on obstruction.

Watch the testimonies below: