Botswana decriminalizes consensual same-sex relationships in landmark case

Botswana’s High Court ruled to abandon a law that criminalized same-sex relations on Tuesday.

What We Know:

    • Before the landmark ruling, there was a law in Botswana’s Penal Code that made gay sex illegal. The offense carried up to seven years in prison.
    • CNN reported Justice Michael Leburu explained the decision, saying, “A democratic society is one that embraces tolerance, diversity and open-mindedness.”
    • The case was prompted by 21-year-old activist, Letsweletse Motshidiemang, who felt the law was outdated and discriminatory.
    • This is a great victory for the LGBTQ+ movement in Botswana. There is plenty of heart-warming footage of citizen’s reactions to the monumental ruling.
    • Hopefully, other African countries will follow Botswana’s lead. As of right now, 29 other countries in Africa have laws banning gay sex.

What a great way to celebrate Pride Month!