16th Sexual Misconduct Lawsuit Filed Against Deshaun Watson

Texans Quaterter Back Deshauwn Watson has been accused of 16 cases of sexual misconduct.

What We Know:

  • Deshaun Watson has been accused of 16 civil suits that accuse him of coercive and lewd sexual behavior. The Quarterback released a statement on Twitter that he was aware of the claims but that he denies the allegations brought upon him. Watson also went on to mention that he believes this is all just about money and blackmailing due to reasons such as the six-figure baseless settlement demand.

  • The accusations against Watson detail him doing things such as exposing himself and asking women to touch him. The cases against Watson are being filed in Harris County, where he lives and works. Still, the accused happen to be from several cities around the country, such as the massage therapist from Los Angeles who accused Watson of intentional infliction of emotional distress and civil assault.
  • On Tuesday, two more women accused Watson of sexual misconduct, which resulted in 16 civil lawsuits against the Texans Quarterback. The lawsuits were all filed by Anthony Buzbee. Buzbee is a lawyer who has a record for working on more personal injury cases than cases involving women in sexual assault.
  • Rusty Hardin, a defense lawyer who is representing Watson, said that Buzbee is creating a space through social media to blackmail Watson. He noted that Buzbeee was orchestrating a chaotic atmosphere by using social media to publicize the suits. Hardin says that this is being done to “inflame the public and malign Deshaun’s great reputation.”

All Plaintiffs have filed their lawsuits as ‘Jane Doe’ to keep a sense of anonymity. Watson believes ultimately that he is being targeted by a lawyer seeking publicity.

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