$12 Million in Drugs Seized in ‘Heroin Packing Mill’ Bust in Queens

Authorities are saying this bust could save countless lives amid the nationwide opioid crisis.

What We Know:

  • A major drug bust in Queens, New York City seized $12 million worth of drugs and $200,000 in cash. The raid was facilitated by the DEA and details reveal they recovered 86lbs of heroin and 1,000 fentanyl pills. Luis Martinez, Sofia Medina, Maria Berroa, and Jacqueline Sosa de Espinal were the 4 culprits arrested in the bust.
  • It was Luis Martinez’s residence where the raid occurred and now he is being accused of overseeing the “narcotics packaging mill” from his apartment. He is being charged with: operating as a major trafficker, criminal possession of a controlled substance, and criminally using drug paraphernalia. Martinez and his 3 “employees” were arrested Monday afternoon and he was arraigned Tuesday evening.
  • The three women allegedly employed by Martinez face charges of criminal possession and criminally using drug paraphernalia. On Wednesday morning, they were scheduled to be arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court.
  • Melinda Katz, District Attorney of Queens, comments that “the volume of lethal drugs flooding our city is causing record number of overdose deaths”. She continues to add that this extensive drug raid would not have been possible without the expertise and cooperation of federal and local partners.
  • Special Narcotics Prosecutor Bridget Brennan adds that shutting down a $12 million operation of “street ready heroin packages and counterfeit fentanyl pills” will save many lives in the entire Northeast region.

There is no telling how many lives would be taken if these drugs had been allowed to hit the streets but it’s a good thing we’ll never know.

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