Walmart Removes Guns and Ammo From Sales Floor for Fear of Post-Election Civil Unrest, Reverses Decision

In preparation for possible riots and protests post-election Tuesday, Walmart removed guns and ammo from their stores Thursday. Walmart quickly reversed this decision Friday. 

What We Know:

  • Walmart pulled guns and ammunition from shelves last Thursday and all stores moved all weapons and ammunition into a secure backroom. 
  • Walmart’s decision hoped to prevent the theft of firearms if stores are broken into by any post-election unrest.
  • The store had already seen its stores damaged due to protests earlier in the week as the aftermath of the police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr.
  • Walmart similarly pulled firearms from stores in June following the rioting and looting over the police shooting of George Floyd
  • Despite the company having seen numerous shootings within their stores over the past years and precaution for election aftermath, the retailer reversed their decision and put their firearm stock back on the floor. They found that the incidents were isolated. 
  • About half of Walmart stores stock firearms and we have seen increased ownership this year. 2020 reached record highs for gun sales with more first-time buyers, leading to law enforcement concerns.
  • Law enforcement has cautioned for violence and danger due to the November 3rd vote. 

Many businesses across the country have taken extra security measures in preparation for any civil unrest post-election. Similarly, many states have begun taking their own precautions.

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