NYPD Issues Statement After Video Shows Officers Throwing Protester into an Unmarked Van

In a video surfacing on social media, New York City police officers are seen aggressively forcing a teenage protester into an unmarked van on Tuesday.

What We Know:

  • The incident happened in Manhattan on Tuesday at the corner of 2nd Avenue and 25th Street. Protesters are seen on video drawing attention to the incident as additional officers are seen on bicycles trying to “fend off” protesters. The victim, Nicki, is an 18-year-old transgender woman. These events are similar to those in Portland, Oregon with the use of federal agents to stop protesters.


  • According to a witness, Derrick, a 32-year-old protester, “Four guys jumped out and a line of police bicycles came out from down the block — we hadn’t seen them. They pushed us back. They grabbed Nicki like she was a rag doll…They had her arms on her neck and then they drove off.” Other witnesses also say the woman did not partake in what she is being accused of by the NYPD.
  • A tweet issued by the NYPD stated that the woman was “wanted for damaging police cameras” and for assaulting the department’s Warrant Squad with rocks and bottles. The statement the NYPD released advised that she was charged with criminal mischief and making graffiti.

  • New York City councilwoman Carlina Rivera confirmed early Wednesday that the woman had been released. She, among other city officials have called for a review of the incident and for the reason behind police using unmarked vans to detain protesters.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said the video is troubling, but that no one is allowed to damage police property and that protesters should “protest peacefully”.