NBC Releases Findings on Gabrielle Union’s Investigation

After a couple of months, NBC released findings from the investigation of America’s Got Talent’s firing of Judge Gabrielle Union.

What We Know:

  • On Wednesday, the network issued a statment attempting to shed light on the circumstances surrounding Union’s dismissal.
  • In the statment they said “Through the investigation process, it has been revealed that no one associated with the show made any insensitive or derogatory remarks about Ms, Union’s appearance and neither race nor gender was contributing factor in the advancment or elimination of contestants at any time. The investigation has shown that the concerns raised by Ms. Union had no bearing on the desicion not to exercise the option on her contract.”
  • “While the investigation has demonstrated an overall culture of diversity, it has also highlighted some areas in which reporting processes could be improved” it conceded.
  • Union left the talent competition in controversial fashion last November after one season. Durring her time on AGT, she reportedly had voiced concerns about toxic culture on the show, including her hairstyle choices being called “too black”.
  • The actress said in an interview with Variety, “I couldn’t escape. I ended up staying sick for two months straight. It was a cold that lingered, and turned into bronchitis, because I couldn’t shake it. It impacted my voice, which affected my ability to do my job.”
  • She was referring to an incident that transpired with Simon Cowell after he was smoking in her dressing room which allegedly made her sick because she is allergic to cigarette smoke.

Producers Syco Entertainment and Fremantle and NBC enlisted an external investigator to conduct more than 30 interviews to review the issues she raised but found Union’s claims to be unfounded.