Coronavirus Coverage: US Deaths Grow to Nearly 4,000, Surpass China

The number of coronavirus related deaths topped 4,000 in the U.S. on Tuesday night, just one day after reaching the 3,000 mark.

What We Know:

  • The U.S. has now surpassed China by over 700 COVID-19 fatalities. The White House coronavirus task force said it projects 100,000 to 240,000 deaths from the virus and millions infected in the country.
  • Without any measures in place to mitigate the contagion’s spread, those projections jump to between 1.5 million and 2.2. million deaths from COVID-19.
  • China – where the outbreak started — has reported 3,310 virus related deaths, while over 4,070 have been killed in the U.S.
  • In the U.S., 11 states have over 4,000 coronavirus infections. Michigan, Illinois, Louisiana, and Massachusetts have started to become emerging hotspots for the virus.
  • New York – the epicenter for the virus outbreak in the U.S. – has over 76,000 infections and more than 1,700 fatalities as of early Wednesday. Over 43,000 of the state’s infections and more than half of its deaths have occurred in New York City.
  • Illinois — which has seen nearly 6,000 infections — sent out an emergency alert to residents in the state on Tuesday requesting the need for additional licensed healthcare workers. “In the COVID-19 event, Illinois is looking for medically trained individuals to join the fight,” according to the website where health professionals are directed to sign up. “Individuals that register here may be potentially contacted to work in a hospital surge or alternative housing setting.”
  • Following Mardi Gras celebrations, cases in Louisiana increased by 1,212 on Tuesday, bringing the state’s total to 5,237. It was a 30 percent increase from Monday. “Because of the sheer volume of cases, we will be sharing the updated number of clusters every day at noon,” stated the Louisiana Department of Health. “The Department continues to work with facilities to minimize the spread of the illness and protect residents and staff.”
  • In Massachusetts, Gov. Charlie Baker announced that non-essential businesses must stay closed, with residents advised to stay home until at least May 4. On Tuesday, 33 new fatalities were reported, making it the deadliest day of the outbreak so far in the state. The number of cases increased by 868 to 6,620.
  • Worldwide, Italy and Spain remain hotspots for the virus in Europe. Italy has over 105,000 infections and 12,400 deaths – although the country saw the lowest daily case increase in two weeks on Tuesday.
  • Meanwhile, Spain suffered its deadliest day during the coronavirus pandemic on Tuesday, as 849 were confirmed to have been killed by the virus. As of Wednesday morning, the country has over 95,000 infections and 8,464 coronavirus related deaths.

COVID-19 fatalities in France surpassed China on Tuesday. The European country now has over 52,000 infections and 3,532 deaths from the virus, according to data from Johns Hopkins.