Presidential Candidate Mike Bloomberg Unveils his Immigration Plan

Presidential Candidate Michael Bloomberg has a plan to overhaul current immigration policies put in place by the Trump administration.

What We Know:

  • NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently released his plan to overhaul the immigration system on Monday. In the plan, Bloomberg advised that he will put an end to “plans that run counter to American values”.
  • The New York Mayor claims his plan will put an end to the travel ban, family separations, ICE detention centers, and the building of a wall along the US border with Mexico.
  • The Trump administration plans differ from Bloomberg’s plans; they have been actively working to build a wall on the southern border of Mexico to separate immigrant families, stop the expansion of the travel ban and send 60,000 migrant workers to Mexico.
  • Bloomberg states his support and says that he will make strides to provide citizenship to the 11 million undocumented people living in the country.
  • The presidential candidate is also proposing a place-based visa system that will allow different areas and regions of the country to resolve their unfulfilled economic and social needs.
  • Bloomberg will create a program that will implement allowing students who receive an opportunity to help those who have not been afforded that same benefit. 
  • Recently, Bloomberg advised that his history as mayor of New York City, one of the country’s most diverse cities, provides him with the knowledge on immigration that the White House can use.
  • One of his other stated goals is to promote alternatives for individuals who pose no threat to public safety.

Bloomberg does not want to end the service of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Instead, he plans to use the Department of Justice to investigate ICE and CBP to reform the agencies and ensure accountability.