6-Year-Old Arrested, Handcuffed, Fingerprinted and Mugshot Taken After Temper Tantrum

A Florida grandmother is claiming her 6-year-old granddaughter was arrested for throwing a temper tantrum at school, according to Fox News.

What We Know:

  • Kaia Rolle is the 6-year-old who allegedly suffers from sleep apnea. A disorder where you randomly stop breathing for moments during the night.
  • The incident started when staff from her school grabbed Kaia’s wrist, leading to her tantrum. Afterward, she was handcuffed and charged with battery and moved to the Juvenile Assessment Center in Orlando. This included a mugshot and fingerprints. She was released shortly after.
  • To arrest someone under 12 years of age requires permission from an officer watch commander; they didn’t receive that permission.
  • The officer is now under investigation also following a similar case last Thursday where he arrested an 8-year-old.

Meralyn Kirkland, the grandmother, wondered, “How do you do that to a 6-year-old child and because she kicked somebody? … A literal mug shot of a 6-year-old girl.”