Kevin Hart Sued For $60 Million By Sex Tape Partner

Upon the tape’s release, Montia Sabbag and her attorney Lisa Bloom stated that Kevin Hart had no idea that their sexual liaison was being recorded in the Las Vegas suite. Bloom also said that, Sabbag didn’t want any money from him but instead wanted to track down the person behind the tape and bring them to justice.

What We Know:

  •  Sources from TMZ say that Sabbag’s third lawyer made a secret financial demand to Hart asking for a low six figures that Hart’s lawyer rejected.
  • Sabbag has now filed a $60 million lawsuit against Hart and J.T. Jackson, Hart’s former friend and the mastermind behind the tape who was arrested for and charged with extortion.  
  • Sabbag has had a change of heart because she felt that Hart did all of this for publicity. With Hart being a well-known movie star, being a part of a cheating scandal would ruin his family man image instead of helping him. 
  • Other sources tell TMZ that Hart has been working on the case with the District Attorney for two years, which may seem weird from the outside looking in unless he was a part of the plan all along.

It’s been a rough several weeks for Hart who is still recovering from injuries he sustained in a car crash early September. Hart doesn’t plan to pay Sabbag and there will be no settlement.