Social Media Commentator Paris Paradise Goes Viral For Defending Jess Hilarious In Trans Women Debate

Social media cultural commentator Paradise Paris has gone viral over her take on the trans women debate between Jess Hilarious and TS Madison. 

“It’s very disingenuous for you to overshadow that woman’s feelings in regards to her womanhood when she actually has given birth to a baby, which biologically, does make her a woman,” said Paris on Jess’ behalf. “As [Black women], we have to be extremely mindful about how we attach ourselves to intersectional groups when it comes to their issues,” the viral social media user added toward the end of her post.

Paris’ upload has been reposted on countless popular Instagram pages. She’s also gotten over 224,000 views and more than 40,500 likes on TikTok in less than 24 hours of her post.

The social commentator thoroughly outlined how some of the rhetoric put into the zeitgeist by trans women has infringed on the realities of womanhood for those who are cis. Paris argued that trans women equating or upholding their opinions over those of cis women in conversations regarding gender and womanhood were forms of erasure. 

“I think the most misogynistic thing a man can do is reject his biology as a man and go into women-dominated spaces [and tell] other women how he’s a better woman than them. Because it’s based off of his feelings of how he perceives a woman to be, while he walks in society emulating what he believes a woman looks like by replicating other women.”

“When we are discussing womanhood, I cannot go to another woman and asked her what being a woman feels like because being a woman is not a feeling,” the social commentator asserted. 



Paris was inclusive with her message (regarding the various experiences of biologically-born females) while also firm in her stance. She highlighted that all biological women didn’t identify as such and that the ability to have a child or a period wasn’t the only measure of a woman.

She argued that the cause of the trans women vs. biological women debate stemmed from “a very small minority of people imposing on a larger group of people.”

Paris said that it was hypocritical that certain members of the trans community expected acknowledgment of their pronouns and realities when those same parties refused to accept that many women found the terms “birthing person,” “breastfeeder,” “biological woman” and “cis-gendered woman” to be problematic. 

Paris’ commentary was influenced by Jess and Madison’s controversy-provoking back and forth in late July. 

Things were kicked off when Jess took to her Instagram Stories and reacted to a clip of trans TikToker Blessing Rose — who said biological women didn’t “own periods” or “womanhood.”

Jess passionately asked who would stand up for “real women, biological women [and] women born with all the parts that [trans women] wish that [they] were.”

“When does the delusion stop? What is the difference between you and someone who has been diagnosed to be mentally insane? The only difference is you don’t have a straitjacket on.”

“Wake up! How are you projecting your anger on real women, because we are the gatekeepers. We are the gate-keepers for periods. We’re the only ones that fucking bleed, honey. We’re the only ones that can give birth. We make y’all people. We make y’all. Y’all come from US. You can’t be US, you will never. You’re chasing something you’ll never ever get. You’ll never be that.”

Madison targeted but didn’t tag the comedian when she recalled that the Baltimore native had been previously mistaken for a trans woman. 

The two celebrities intensified their feud and made things personal with their responses later that day.

Read through Jess and Madison’s dicey exchanges below.

RELATED CONTENT: “Jess Hilarious Said An Unnamed Celebrity Thought She Was A Trans Woman”