Rising Concerns Over ‘Burglary Tourists’: What You Need to Know – Travel Noire

A new travel trend is becoming a concern in the travel space.

Known as “burglary tourists,” travelers who specifically visit a destination to break into or steal from their accommodations or local attractions, has come to the attention of authorities.

NBC News reported that a ring of burglary tourists who had entered the United States with plans to break into homes has recently come to the attention of police in Los Angeles, California.

Understanding The Trend

Burglary tourists are individuals who travel to different cities or countries with the intent of committing theft there.

They often target tourist hotspots or wealthy neighborhoods where they believe there will be valuable items to steal. Burglary tourists may use various tactics to gain access to homes or businesses, such as posing as tourists or using distraction techniques.

Alan Hamilton, the deputy chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, told The L.A. that burglary tourists are not new Los Angeles, but that the groups have become increasingly active in recent months.

“The number of crimes tied to these kind of crews are way, way up,” Hamilton told the L.A. Times.

He noted that the groups often target homes “connected to open spaces” like canyons or hiking trails that provide easier access to the property.

Many of these tourists are unarmed and are solely seeking items to sell, according to the LAPD, but there is still a threat.

Burglary tourism can have a significant negative impact on the local community, as it can lead to a a greater interest in property crimes and loss of valuables.

It can also be harmful to local tourism by making a certain area feel unsafe.

Lessening the Risk

Law enforcement agencies, like the LAPD, have been working to identify and apprehend burglary tourist groups.

The hope is that the arrests will help prevent further crimes and protect security of residents and visitors alike.

Travelers are advised to take precautions to protect their belongings and property while visiting unfamiliar locations to reduce the risk of incident.

Residents, on the hand, are advised to utilize security measures, like alarm systems and monitoring equipment, when they are out of town.