Life Coach TiffanyT Informs Men That Cheating Is A ‘Rich Man’s Sport’

TiffanyT unleashed some insight on the world regarding cheating, calling it a “rich man’s sport.”

In a video released on Saturday, March 23, Tiffany discussed the audacity of broke men having to cheat on women without having anything to provide, dubbing cheating a “rich man’s sport.”

“It’s no coincidence that us women all over the world [ask the same question and have similar experiences with men],” the influencer said. “Meaning that y’all [men] don’t know how to act right. You don’t have no money. You can’t provide. You definitely not protecting your woman. It seems like it’s an epidemic all over the world with men.”

Tiffany found it strange how many men fail at their duties but cheat with many women they desire to “philander with.”

“So, it seems like to me that…and a lot of these men have good women,” Tiffany clarified. “But it’s the sense of entitlement. It’s a sense of you seeing what’s on social media, and you don’t really have to put forth a lot of energy and effort in trying to get a woman, which is partially our fault. What we won’t allow, it can’t happen. Whatever it is that you allow can’t continue when it comes to a man.”

Tiffany persisted, “Really cheating and having multiple women is a rich man’s sport. And 99.9% of you men shouldn’t even be participating in that because you ain’t got no money. You poor. That’s why you can’t cheat in peace.”

The life coach said women put men under the “french fry light,” interrogating them and checking their phones because their needs aren’t being met, and they’re trying to get to the bottom of the issue.

Tiffany said that men who treat women’s rights are spared from dealing with what broke men encounter.

“She not so quick to jump down his throat, and every little thing he does,” Tiffany said. “Now, I’m not saying I condone cheating. I don’t…A lot of men (ones in their 40s and up) that I know y’all got one foot in the grave, and y’all still want to play games. Then you got the nerve to be going through some type of midlife crisis, and you want to deal with young girls. You want to deal with girls your daughters’ age. You got daughters in their 30s and late 20s, and you want to go after their friends.”

She continued, “You got one foot in the damn grave. You dealing with women that don’t know the signs of a stroke because you’re almost there. Most of y’all are on blood pressure medicine. You know, you got erectile dysfunction, you got all types of ailments and sicknesses, but you still want to be out here cheating.”

Tiffany explained the type of men who shouldn’t be cheating and are constantly hounded by their women are the ones who require their women to go half on the rent and bills, in addition to caring for the children, cooking and cleaning—he’s reaping all the benefits while philandering, and she suffers.

Tiffany suggested that men hustle, get on their grind and stop chasing other women.