How To Plan The Ultimate Trip To Ghana – Travel Noire

When Trina Diakabanzila, 38, left the Democratic Republic of The Congo at 10, she had no clue she wouldn’t return to Africa until decades later. As an adult serving in the U.S. military, she was able to further expand her horizons by seeing more of the world. However, an allure about Ghana kept the country at the top of her bucket list. 

In 2019, after her military career ended, Diakabanzila decided to finally make the voyage to Ghana. She’d recently divorced and had a new baby. But she was determined to journey back to home soil. Today, Diakabanzila has traveled to Ghana five times. She’s falling in love with the West African country and her experiences there are some of her fondest memories. 

Diakabanzila’s time spent in Ghana has made her an expert on traveling to the country. With plans to go back in the future, her tips on planning the ultimate trip to Ghana can save travelers time, money, and stress when they decide to embark on a Ghanaian adventure.

Keeping An Open Mind

Diakabanzila encourages every traveler to keep an open mind when traveling to Ghana. Every experience she’s had in the country has been magical. However, it’s important to keep in mind that Ghana is still a developing country. 

“A lot of people try to compare foreign countries to America but America is developed,” Diakabanzila said. “And I don’t want the people to be disappointed.” 

Some amenities that are readily available in America are extremely limited in Ghana. For Diakabanzila, an example is spotty electricity throughout the country. Instead of having access to electricity everywhere, some hotels and Airbnb’s would lose power throughout the day. These types of inconveniences could ruin someone’s trip. However, keeping an open mind and being open to having different experiences can help counteract any discomfort.  

“As long as you go with an open mind, you’re going to enjoy yourself and you’re going to learn so much,” she said.

Doing ample research before visiting Ghana is a great way to prevent frustration and disappointment once you land on the ground. Diakabanzila says she asks every question possible when booking accommodations to ensure she’s getting what she’s seeking. This includes inquiring about things like 24-hour generators for power lapses and distance from the airport and attractions before booking a stay.

Preparing For Your Trip 

A lot of time spent preparing for a trip to Ghana involves securing the correct paperwork to enter the country. For Diakabanzila, she had to secure a visa for her and her daughter to ensure they were legally able to travel there. She’s noticed that the country sometimes would waive visa requirements around December. However, most times, travelers have to apply in advance. 

She says it’s also important for travelers to decide what type of travelers they are. Some flights to Ghana can last more than 20 hours. For comfort’s sake, it’s important to determine your travel preferences beforehand. 

“Definitely decide what type of traveler you are,” she said. “Do you mind long layovers or are you more of a straight person like, ‘Get me to my destination.’”

Additionally, although the only immunization she was required to get was for Yellow Fever, Diakabanzila encourages travelers to look into the recommended immunizations as well. This could help prevent health issues that could potentially ruin a vacation experience in Ghana. She also keeps activated charcoal pills for malaria prevention handy on any trip to Ghana.

Dress Accordingly

When it comes to vacation attire in Ghana, Diakabanzila encourages travelers to dress weather-appropriate. The weather is extremely tropical with rainy seasons throughout the late spring and summer. But Diakabanzila assures travelers that it can get very hot, so pack light clothing. 

“As soon as you land at the airport, you will feel the heat,” she said. “It’s really hot in Ghana.” 

She also wants travelers to remember the importance of respectful attire when visiting Ghana. Certain fashion and cultural norms in America aren’t as socially accepted in African countries, such as dressing scantily or swimwear in public. Travelers should be smart about clothing choices.

When visiting Ghana, Diakabanzila usually books her Airbnb in Accra. There are also many other incredible locations throughout the country with quality stays. She says travelers should explore accommodations outside of Accra including near the airport and Cape Coast. Travelers can also explore stays like Labadi Beach Hotel, where all-inclusive options are available. 

“I think the options are endless. It just depends on your budget and what type of traveler you are,” she said.

Don’t Be Surprised If Merchants Raise Praises

Visiting local markets is a major part of experiencing authentic Ghanaian culture. It’s also some of the best places to find street food vendors and others selling local fare, clothing, jewelry, and more. However, Diakabanzila says don’t be surprised if merchants raise the praises. Despite being Congolese, she’s even had to negotiate down the cost of goods when visiting Ghanaian markets. She suggests working with someone you know in Ghana or a local to help negotiate with merchants.  

Keep Safety First

Although traveling to Ghana can seem overwhelming, Diakabanzila knows firsthand that it’s worth it. No matter where someone is from, she believes it’s important that all children of the African diaspora visit the continent. Whether you’re traveling to Ghana or another country, everyone deserves to go home at least once. 

“It’s imperative to know where you came from, to know your people, and to know your history,” she said.