The Top Ten States With The Most Stressed Out People—And, No, New York And California Didn’t Make The Cut – Travel Noire

Life is a roller coaster of emotions, experiences, and stress. Some states, however, have a higher concentration of stressed-out individuals than others.

According to the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America poll, about one-fourth of U.S. adults are so stressed that it hampers their daily functionality. The CDC reports that while a bit of stress could boost productivity, chronic stress might lead to health issues like insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system.

The Most Stressed States

The wellness brand Komowa ranked U.S. states based on stress levels. The review included 16 key indicators, such as credit card debt, commuting times, divorce rates, and hours worked. These indicators were divided into four major categories: money, work, health, and family problems. The study’s data came from various government agencies, including the CDC, the U.S. Census Bureau, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The crown for the most stressed state in the U.S. goes to Tennessee. Tennessee scored high on health stress, ranking third for the highest level of depression prevalence (24.4%). In addition, 15.5 percent of people said they had terrible physical health for at least 14 days a month. Work issues also contributed significantly to the state’s high stress levels. The typical Tennessean works more than the average American, clocking in 42.3 hours weekly. The state also scored low on yearly income and the ability to work from home and had one of the longest average commute times.

The other states joining Tennessee in this not-so-coveted list are:

  1. Tennessee
  2. Alabama
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Louisiana
  5. Nevada
  6. South Carolina
  7. Georgia
  8. Arizona
  9. West Virginia
  10. Indiana

A Closer Look at the Other Contenders

Alabama secured the second spot, primarily due to work and health stress. Alabamians work longer hours, earn less, and have one of the highest divorce rates in the country.

Oklahoma, sitting in third place, topped the health stress category. This could be directly linked to the percentage of residents without healthcare and the high prevalence of depression.

Interestingly, renowned for their fast-paced lifestyles, New York and California didn’t make it to the top ten. New York ranked 24th, while California stood at 25th. However, New York had the longest commute time, averaging about 33.2 minutes. When it came to the most hours worked, Louisiana took the lead with an average of 44.3 hours per week.