Tales From TikTok: ‘LHHH’ La’Britney Shares How She Was Pregnant At 14, But No One Knew Until The 8-Month Into The Pregnancy

La’Britney of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood took to TikTok to divulge her teen pregnancy story, including how she hid gravidness from her family up until the eight-month mark.

The reality star and singer posted the video Dec. 23, 2023, where she performed her makeup routine while diving into the juicy tale.

As she applied primer to her face with rollers entwined in her hair, La’Britney said she was 14 when she first got pregnant, and no one—family members, friends, instructors, and the baby daddy—knew for eight months.

“I was so afraid,” Britney said. “I went to school every day wearing baggy clothes so no one could tell. But I remember the summer right before my 10th-grade year in high school, I had went and stayed like a week over my dad’s house.”

When Britney got home, her stepmom talked to her biological mom about some concerns she and Britney’s father shared regarding Britney’s health. They noticed Britney slept a lot during her stay. They even noticed her weight gain and recommended a visit to the doctor’s office to ensure everything checked out.

“So, my mama had called me downstairs while they were on the phone, like, ‘Brit…what’s going on? Your dad and them saying they think something going on with you,’” she recalled. “I’m nervous as fuck. I was so afraid that I tried to act like it just didn’t exist. Like, I just thought it would just go away.”

Eventually, teenage Britney knew she couldn’t avoid the inevitable.

“My mom was like, ‘Lift your shirt up,’” she continued. “I lifted my shirt up, and it was like a little basketball right there. Round and pregnant. My mom rushed me to the hospital, and the doctor said, ‘She’s eight months pregnant.’”

Britney described the moment as a whirlwind, and recalling everything made her feel the emotions again. 

“My due date was in like six weeks,” the singer continued. “I had gone my whole pregnancy without any prenatal care. So, I was literally going to the doctor two to three times per week until I went into labor.”

Britney reflected on her decision as a teen to hide her pregnancy and go through it without the proper care.

“When I think back on how irresponsible that was, I just truly thank God that he blessed me with a healthy baby boy,” the LHHH star stated.

Despite hiding her pregnancy, her mom still celebrated the coming of her grandson by throwing Britney a baby shower in their basement, with high school students in attendance. A couple weeks after the shower, she gave birth to her son, Russell Hughes IV, at 15.

“From that day on, my whole life changed,” Britney declared, adding that her friends, teachers, and family supported her.

She lost a few friends because their parents refused to have their children hanging around her, but the matriarch didn’t let that stop her.

One purpose of Britney sharing her teen mom’s story was to encourage others who may be in her shoes to never give up.

Although it wasn’t easy, Britney continued school and worked at Taco Bell. She continued doing high school student things like attending basketball games and bringing her son with her.

“Giving up was never an option for me because, in my mind, I had to be strong and…make it for my child,” Britney said. I have worked many jobs, and when I tell you, being a mother has been the toughest job of them all but the most rewarding. I feel like it has had the most purpose and the biggest impact on my life.”

Britney warned girls who were sexually active or planning to be to protect themselves. She also assured parents it was normal and essential to have those talks about sex with their children of age.