Should You Use Dating Apps While You Travel? – Travel Noire

These days, dating apps are hot topics of debate. Should you use them? Which dating apps are best for Black travelers? And the million-dollar question… do they actually yield results?

On one hand, people vehemently ignore their existence and encourage you to focus on in-person connections. On the other hand, some people fully embrace the convenience and thrill of dating apps.

The answer to whether or not to use dating apps is simple: the choice is yours. The desire for connection is strong, especially in today’s digital age. Dating apps have become a companion for travelers seeking relationships during their travels. However, if you explore the dating app world, approach it cautiously, at home or abroad.

The Realities of Using Dating Apps While Traveling

The challenges with meeting individuals through dating apps can seem more pronounced while traveling. For instance, you are in an unknown territory, facing language barriers, and farther away from your community and social circles. These truths can make travelers feel more vulnerable to potentially risky situations.

The Data Behind Dating Apps

According to the Pew Research Center, a little less than half of the adults in the U.S. say online dating is generally a very or somewhat safe way to meet people. This stat dipped from 2019 when 53% of U.S. adults felt it was generally or somewhat safe.

Recent research shows dating apps can pose significant risks to their users, no matter the user’s location.

Due to the nature of apps and their minimal vetting processes, individuals can easily engage in catfishing and scams, presenting themselves falsely. Unlike traditional social settings like bars, dating apps encourage quick and flighty interactions with a larger pool of people. Unfortunately, this naturally increased the likelihood of meeting ungenuine people.

Although meeting someone new in a different part of the world can fulfill your fantasies, it’s paramount to prioritize safety. Here are some helpful tips to help you navigate dating apps while traveling.

Tips on Using Dating Apps While Traveling

Trust Your Instincts

As you would in your hometown, listen to that inner voice that signals when something doesn’t feel right. If a conversation takes a turn that makes you uncomfortable or if a potential match seems too good to be true, don’t hesitate to move on.

Know Where You Are

Before taking your journey, familiarize yourself with the local customs and culture of your destination. Understanding social norms and etiquette can help you navigate interactions with potential matches more smoothly and respectfully. It can also help you navigate potentially uncomfortable situations.

Put Your Social Media Detective Skills to Good Use

Consider checking your potential date’s social media presence. If you have their name, social media handles, or even mutual friends online, take a moment to look them up. This can help verify their identity across multiple accounts and reduce the chances of them using a fake social media account to create their dating profile.

Honesty Is Always The Best Policy

Be honest and transparent about your intentions and expectations when using a dating app. Whether you’re seeking a casual fling or a meaningful connection, clarity upfront can avoid misunderstandings down the line.

Try to Use Well Known Dating Apps

Consider using reputable dating apps with safety features such as identity verification and reporting mechanisms for inappropriate behavior. While no platform can guarantee complete safety, opting for well-established apps with robust security measures can offer an added layer of protection.

Meet in Public

When arranging to meet someone for the first time in person choose public places, such as cafes, restaurants, or tourist attractions. Avoid secluded areas or agreeing to meet at private residences until you’ve established a level of trust and comfort with your potential match.

Update People Back Home

Inform a trusted friend or family member of your dating plans. Include details of your meetup location and the contact information of your date. Having someone aware of your whereabouts can provide peace of mind and come in handy as a safety net in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Do Not Overshare

Be mindful of oversharing personal information such as your address, workplace, or financial details during your interactions. While it’s natural to want to connect on a deeper level, be cautious with sensitive information until you’ve built trust.

Respect your potential date’s boundaries and communicate openly about your own. Consent should be mutual and enthusiastic, and any pressure or coercion should be immediately addressed and respected.