Mr. Berhanu Dallas is an Atlanta teacher and content creator who shares his interesting life as an instructor with the nation. Many of his videos exhibit his tight bond with his students and their admiration for him despite the contrasting classroom decorum between him and the pupils.
But his videos also show the headache his students put him through. And his March 2 video showed his female students—the majority being Black—being a whole mood.
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At the start of the video, Black girls filed into his classroom individually and offered him colloquial greetings as they entered the classroom.
“Hey, bestie,” one girl said.
“Good morning, chocolate,” another student greeted.
“How you doing, princess?” one of the girls asked while walking in.
But it doesn’t stop with the greetings. Even though they’re in their teacher’s presence, these girls’ mannerisms, sass and attitude are unchanging, and he vibes with it, as do his viewers.
In another clip, one of his students is seated in front of another, asking, “Sista, why this man just ask me my location?”
“What you said?” the other girl asked, intrigued.
“I said, ‘Do your job. Come find me,’” she responded, earning the approval of the other girls around her.
“Hello, on my soul!”
A couple of the clips showed a student vigorously patting at her braids to relieve an itch, but Mr. Dallas was not here for the loud noise the pats were making.
One part of the video proved that regardless of where they are, Black girls will rapidly vacate the premises when they spot a roach.
Commenters were confused when one girl said, “He not going D1,” and the girls around her exclaimed, “Clock it.”
For those who don’t know, the expression “clock it” is equivalent to “period” or “I know that’s right.”
The expression came again when a student stated, “That’s why he’s a deadbeat.”
Like a choir, the girls responded with, “Clock it!”
As Mr. Dallas had his back pointed toward the class in a different scene, one girl couldn’t help but comment on his rump.
“Dang, Mr. Dallas dragging that wagon,” she said, causing the confused teacher to turn around and scrunch his face.
In another part of the video, one of his students called him “big back” as he stuffed his face with a single apple pie pocket.
Mr. Dallas’ video showed that he’s doing way more than what he’s getting paid for (not by choice), from relationship counselor to perfume tester.
He also highlighted Black teen girls’ love for smacking their gum furiously. At the end of the video, he shared the selfies taken with many of his female students.
The commenters found the girls’ mien hilarious and gave their thoughts.
“Mr. Dallas got unofficial daughters.”
“Y’all stressing Mr. Dallas out!”
“Not me at my big age about to start saying ’CLOCK IT!!!!!’”
“Big back when you just minding your business is crazy.”
“‘Do yo job come find me.’ New lingo unlocked.”
“Mr. Dallas, if you need help, blink twice and don’t make any sudden moves! We’ll get you out safely.”