Tales From TikTok: Woman Gives Grandma’s Alleged 90-Year-Old ‘Sneaky Link’ CPR After He Damn Near Dies On The Kitchen Floor

The latest edition of Tales From TikTok comes from a user named Tierra Jade, who had to perform CPR on her grandmother’s alleged “sneaky link” after he passed out suddenly. Interestingly, her grandmother battles with Alzheimer’s disease.

Yes, you read that right.

Tierra, a makeup artist, used humor to detail the scary incident in a video posted to her TikTok account on Feb. 26. The user said she was sleeping when her daughter rushed into her room, begging her to come downstairs to help out her grandmother. When Tierra came downstairs, she found her grandmother standing in the living room in shock as her alleged sneaky link—identified as “Uncle”—lay unconscious and “limped” in a chair.

“I see this man, limped in the chair, jaundiced af,” Tierra said while reenacting his seemingly lifeless appearance.


Because why would he come over just to kick the bucket??? #cpr #viral #sneakylink

♬ original sound – IAmTierraJade

Tierra was amazed that her grandmother remembered to call 911 because she has Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive condition that destroys memory and cognitive function.

“She’s to the point where her motor skills are deteriorating… She struggles with working the TV, locking doors, working water faucets, but she found a way to call 911 for her man.”

While on the phone with 911, Tierra was instructed to move her grandmother’s lover from the couch to the kitchen floor, but the makeup artist was thrown into more shock when he began gasping for air and followed up with a loud sigh as if taking his last breath. Amid the traumatic event, Tierra said the 911 employee was rude and unhelpful.

Realizing the severity of the situation, she and the dispatcher eventually agreed that it was imperative to begin performing CPR on the 90-year-old man quickly. Tierra started chest compressions.

“I was very shocked that I even had to do it because he has a pacemaker, and like, why did it not kick in? You need a refund,” she said.

Thankfully, Tierra’s life-saving CPR helped to resuscitate her grandmother’s sneaky link, and paramedics arrived shortly after to provide medical aid. While on-site, medical officials asked Tierra if she knew personal details about her grandmother’s lover, whom she has affectionately called “uncle” over the years. Tierra said she didn’t know much about the life of her granny’s man, even though her family and their spouses were well aware of their secret relationship. Now that “Uncle” was awake and coherent, she asked the 90-year-old man if she could call his wife to inform her about his near-death experience. However, he refused.

This man did not want to call his wife! We’re past that. So, I get her on the phone and call her. And then after she finds out what’s all happening, she’s like, ‘I didn’t even know his ass was over there.’”

For Tierra, the scary ordeal was symbolic as her grandmother’s sneaky link almost died in the kitchen, where her late grandfather loved to cook and spend time.

“This man was literally laid out dead in the kitchen in the same exact corner that my grandpa was always in cooking,” the TikTok star said.

“After I bring this man to life, I’m like, ‘I’m sorry, Grandpa’ because now I realized that my grandpa had his good foot on his chest and he wouldn’t let up, and the only reason why he let up was because he saw what it was doing to me…I was hysterical.”

She jokingly added, “My grandpa didn’t even die in this house. You think you gone come up here and die in this house?”

In the comments section, netizens of TikTok reacted to Tierra’s wild story. 

Several users were amazed that her granny was able to call 911 to save her man despite her battle with Alzheimer’s. One user joked that the man’s wife was probably upset with her for bringing him back to life. The American Red Cross also jumped into the comments section, writing, “Sneaky link: Takes last breath. Tierra Jade: NOT TODAY.”

“The pacemaker NOT PACE MAKING is crazy!!”

“Not a refund on the pacemaker..I’m WEAKKKKK!” 

“Sneaky link. Alzheimer’s. It’s a lot going on. He can’t come back!”

“His wife is probably mad at you…for saving him.”

“He done scared granny into remembrance.”

“How does one’s family collectively approve of a side piece?! Genuinely I’m asking for research.”


Eventually, Tierra got a chance to meet “Uncle’s” entire family while at the hospital. According to her story, the 90-year-old playboy tried to play down his near-death incident, stating that he was just “hungry” and that he never received CPR.

I said, ‘Of course, you don’t remember getting CPR because you were in the afterlife when I was giving it to you… you were literally at the burning gates, and I snatched your ass back to the real world. You’re welcome.’”

On Feb. 27, the makeup guru also posted a follow-up video reassuring fans that she and her grandmother were doing better since the scary incident.

She apologized for putting her granny’s business out on front street and clarified her grandmother’s relationship dynamic with her alleged sneaky link.

“He has been around my entire life, even from the point where my mom and them were kids,” Tierra explained, noting how she never saw “any romantic involvement” between him and her granny.

“I have never seen anything like that. They more so claim each other as best friends. However, the underlying tone that I understand, that everybody has a question about is that you know, if it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, then baby it’s a duck.”


Replying to @Kaleigh i was out of pollypocket lmao #cpr #viral #sneakylink

♬ original sound – IAmTierraJade

Though her narration may have been laced with humor as she recounted the harrowing ordeal in her original video, Tierra revealed that seeing her grandmother’s man lying passed out on the ground left a “haunting image” in her mind. She was “very traumatized” by the experience.

“I was actually crying my eyes out giving him CPR, like literally crying… So I wanted to figure out a way to express myself because it was haunting me.”

Sharing the story on TikTok allowed her to find some comfort and release.

“I did not expect this to blow up,” she added.

Tierra’s original video garnered over 2 million views.

Wow, this latest edition of Tales From TikTok was something else! Thoughts?

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