Watch Miami’s ‘Spring Breakup’ Video Campaign to Curb to Violence During Spring Break | EURweb

*We reported earlier that Miami Beach is intensifying its efforts against rowdy spring breakers.

A new video campaign launched on City of Miami Beach TV reaffirms plans to enforce tighter restrictions for college students and tourists visiting Miami during March. Watch the clip above. 

“The measures I proposed approved by our Commission will ensure that our residents, businesses, and visitors are safe and thrive during Spring Break,” said Miami Beach Mayor Steven Meiner in a press release on Feb. 13. “Everyone is invited to enjoy the beauty and hospitality of our City. But we are a law and order City and we will enforce our laws all year round, including during March’s Spring Break.”

The city is implementing stringent measures to reduce the violence that has tainted previous festivities. The New York Post reports that the city launched a new campaign declaring: “Miami Beach is breaking up with spring break.”

Spring Breakers / Getty

“Expect curfews, security searches and bag checks at beach access points, early beach entrance closures, DUI checkpoints, bumper-to-bumper traffic, road closures and arrests for drug possession and violence,” city officials announced.

“Come here, enjoy, but don’t come here looking for trouble,” said Mayor Meiner. “We’ve had enough.”

Police Chief Wayne Jones warned tourists to anticipate a more substantial police presence.

“It will be difficult to get here to our city, and once you get here, the expectation will be that you play by the rules,” Jones told reporters, per the Post. 

A city spokesperson told the Post that officials need “to act in the long-term interests of our businesses, residents and visitors.”

City officials have also promised “heightened police enforcement for consumption of alcohol in public, drug possession and violent behavior,” The New York Post reports.

“If you are looking to cause problems, do not come to Miami Beach,” Jones said. “Our message is simple: we want people to enjoy their time here, but will not tolerate the behavior we have witnessed in the past few years.”

READ MORE: Miami Beach Unveiling Stringent Measures to Quell Violence During Spring Break

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