Relationship Coach Dox Diggla Taught Men How Certain Behaviors Contribute To Women’s Low Libido

Life strategist Dox Diggla educated men on the possible contributors to women’s low libido.

The relationship coach posted a two-part explanation to Instagram Feb. 13 and 14, ascribing how men’s neglect of several essential factors to sustaining a healthy relationship may be the driving force behind women’s decreasing libido.

“First and foremost, lack of emotional availability, inquisitiveness, intimacy,” Diggla said. “Before we even get to the question of ‘can we have sex?’, are you noticing…walking them through what may by heavy on them emotionally?”

Diggla suggested that many men could prevent sex lagging in their relationship if they proactively observed and understood their women’s emotions and energies. It enables them to grasp when she’s going through something before she realizes it, allowing him to guide her through it before it spills into other areas of their relationship. 

“A lot of times, men are not doing that due diligence,” he said. “When we do it, it’s another form of non-sexual intimacy…stimulates the sacral chakra directly connected between sexual prowess and emotional buildup. When they’re emotionally backed up, that effort we give to helping them through that process will prevent us from being sexually backed up. They’ll have more room for that sexual component.”

Diggla suggested that sex frequency is another contributor to women’s low sex drive.

“We want it too much. If you keep hitting the turbo mode on the video game, eventually, the gas is going to run out,” the relationship coach explained. “I’ve heard men (and women) say, ‘I need it every day, multiple times a day.’ It’s a lot of pressure. It ends up feeling obligatory.”

He said that the “onus of the demand” for sex daily or all the time hanging over her head takes the thrill out of the activity, that unpredictability.

“At that point, you’re a robot on a routine, and predictability is not stimulating often to feminine sexual energy,” he said.

The lack of bedroom creativity could drive women not to have sex with their partners.

“I just put up a post yesterday, men trying to use scripture in the Bible to say that even God says a woman should not deny her man sex,” Diggla said. “And one of the comments the woman put up was, ‘Well, a lot of men are denying women orgasms, but women say nothing.’ A lot of times, we lose some of that intensity when it comes to, like, really pleasuring our women.”

Diggla stated that women feeling unappreciated could drive their low libido. Women are seen as nurturers and are stretching themselves thin trying to balance raising their children, maintaining the household and going after their dreams and aspirations. When their hard work goes unnoticed, it takes a mental toll on them. It’s even worse when they feel they won’t get that emotional support from their problem. 

As the woman endures those silent bouts, it impacts her sexual libido.