Cam Newton Caught on Video in Huge Brawl at Atlanta School |

Cam Newton was all over social media on Sunday for a viral fight at a 7-on-7 football tournament in Atlanta.

“We Ball Sports” was having its annual invite-only 7-on-7 flag football tournament that rewards up to $5,000 in cash prizes for the winning team.

As TMZ reports, the former NFL quarterback’s right in the middle of a group of guys who have jumped on him, and he’s trying to hold them back without swinging back.

As they spun around, another man in a white t-shirt came up and threw a punch at Cam, a blow that appeared to make contact with someone.

Ultimately, Cam fended off these people long enough to receive help from others — including a police officer who came in and backed several individuals away from Newton.

There’s not a lot of context about what started the brawl which seems to have taken place at Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy in Atlanta.

Another angle of the brawl shows a couple of the guys shoving Cam around before the group goes flying off into an area covered by trees — but, outside of that, it’s unclear what might’ve set off such an explosive situation.

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