The Filthiest Things In Your Hotel Room, According To Experts – Travel Noire

When you check into a hotel, you expect your room to be clean and pleasant. After all, hotels take pride in offering a spotless environment for their visitors. But, before you kick back and relax in that cozy hotel room, consider what’s lurking in the corners. That is why revisiting findings presented at the American Society for Microbiology’s General Meeting years ago is necessary. This expert study is still relevant today since it sheds light on the less-than-sanitary conditions of hotel rooms.

Brace yourself—this might make you squirm a bit.

The Filthiest Spots

Researchers examined many surfaces in different hotel rooms. What are their findings? Fecal bacteria. Nearly 81 percent of all surfaces tested positive for this bacteria. Yes, you read that correctly— fecal bacteria. And these contenders took the top spot as the filthiest things in your hotel room.

1. Remote Controls

That innocuous-looking device sitting on the bedside table of your hotel room? It’s likely teeming with bacteria. Hotel guests frequently handle remotes without washing their hands, making them a prime breeding ground for germs.

2. Bedside Lamp Switches

The very switches you touch to illuminate your hotel room harbor more bacteria than you’d care to imagine. When it comes to cleaning routines, these tiny buttons are often forgotten.

3. Bathroom Sinks

You might assume that the sink is a clean spot, but think again. It’s a hotbed for bacteria, especially if guests don’t wash their hands thoroughly after using the restroom.

4. Toilets

Unsurprisingly, toilets also made the list. While housekeeping does their best to sanitize them, the sheer volume of guests using the same facilities means some germs inevitably linger.

Should You Be Worried?

The data is downright disgusting, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll fall ill from touching these surfaces. Our immune systems are pretty resilient, and most of us won’t get sick just from a brief encounter with a remote control or a lamp switch. Still, if you’re feeling a tad squeamish, here are some practical steps to battle bacteria and keep your immune system intact.

1. Sanitize the Hotspots

Pack alcohol-based wipes in your travel essentials. When you enter your hotel room, give the phone, remote control, faucet handles, and light switches a thorough wipe-down. It’s a small effort that can make a big difference.

2. Glassware Vigilance

When it comes to drinking glasses, be cautious. If the cup lacks proper protection (like a plastic covering or thick paper), it’s best to assume it might be contaminated. If the plastic wrap looks tampered with, request a fresh cup or wash it thoroughly before use.

3. Avoid Sink Contact

The sink is a classic example of a place where germs thrive. Avoid getting toothbrushes and other personal objects wet on the sink counter. Think about bringing along some containers to keep your toiletries organized.

Remember, while hotel rooms may have their dirty secrets, a little vigilance and hygiene go a long way. So go ahead and enjoy your vacation. Just be mindful of those remote controls—they’ve seen more than you think.