Are These The Reasons Money-Making Black Men Often Leave Their Ride-Or-Die Chicks?

Are These The Reasons Money-Making Black Men Often Leave Their Ride-Or-Die Chicks?
Princella Clark Queenmaker Reallyfe Street Starz interview relationships YouTube podcast

Source: Justin Lambert / Getty

Author and podcast host Princella Clark believes men leave relationships once they start making money because their loyal longtime lovers aren’t aspirational enough.

Clark shared her strong opinions during a Reallyfe Street Starz interview published on YouTube in November 2023. The self-proclaimed “Queen Maker” and “street philosopher” asserted that men don’t stay with the women who loved them before they became financially successful because, after leveling up, the male gaze no longer values those women.

Clark argued that those female lovers reflect a past back to those men that the latter doesn’t want to carry into the future — one wherein they were broke and undesirable to the women they actually desire.

“The type of women that men want, they have to work their ass off to become a different version of themselves to get access to those women,” said Clark.

“What women don’t realize is when a man is at his lowest, his ultimate objective is survival of the fittest. And they will use anything as a tool, as a step ladder, to get what they want,” Clark claimed. “Men see women as mirrors of themselves, and they see you at their lowest. And they don’t want you to reflect back on them where they came from because they used you to build themselves up. And now they need another level to go to, something that’s harder.”

Clark added that once men reach where they want to be, that’s when they’ll pursue the women they previously thought wouldn’t give them the time of day. “She is a prize,” the relationship strategist and personal development coach argued.


Instagram users had mixed reactions in the comments of a repost of Clark’s Reallyfe Street Starz interview. 

Some believed The Queenmaker was spitting facts, while others thought she was ranting nonsense. 

“Men use women as placeholders until they can date their preferences.”

“A woman shouldn’t give her opinion on how a man feels.”

“I can name three off the top of my head that are still with the same woman from [their] teenage years. Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, LeBron. Legendary mention of Denzel Washington [and] LL Cool J. All successful, and attribute their success to having a solid woman by their side.”

“The first point she made was true but after that she sounded dumb.”

 Clark, a U.S. Army veteran, has over 20,000 Instagram followers and 82,000 YouTube subscribers.

She claims the High Powered Podcast she hosts is geared toward teaching women to “shift the power dynamics in their relationships.” 

“I’m a force to be reckoned with. My divine mission is to place the woman back in her divine position. I do so through logic, reasoning and indisputable facts,” she says in her YouTube bio. “I am a Leader of a NEW movement that is blessed and ordained by the universe. A NEW form of women’s empowerment. I teach them UNADULTERATED male psychology and behavior. The motto of the High Powered Podcast is to love yourself and play with men because men are INCAPABLE of love.”

Do you think Clark’s thoughts on the rich man’s mindset are valid? Sound off in the comments! 

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