50 Cent Got Answers From Mayor Eric Adams After Slamming Him Over Prepaid Card Program for Migrant Families | lovebscott.com

New York City mayor Eric Adams got 50 Cent on the line to clear up any confusion surrounding his newly introduced pilot program in which prepaid credit cards will be given to 500 migrant families.

via: Vibe

The rapper took to social media on Monday (Feb. 5) to reveal he had spoken with Adams regarding the Immediate Response Card initiative, under which migrant families in the city will receive free prepaid monthly credit cards. “I talk to @NYCMayor Eric Adams he broke down why this pilot program was put in place. He appeared to be on point, and on top of things,” the 48-year-old wrote.

“Now I want to talk to @GovKathyHochul about the laws preventing him from doing things to make the situation better in New York. and where the proposed 2.4 billion she’s planning on spending on migrants is coming from…NOT MY TAXES.“

Fif’s conversation with Mayor Adams supposedly came after Adams invited the rapper to engage in discourse regarding the pilot program, which he had previously criticized. Prior to 50’s post, Adams publicly revealed that he had reached out to the G-Unit leader in an attempt to teach him about the inner-workings of the pilot program and how it will save the city several million dollars.

“I told 50 Cent to hit me up,” Adams said during a press conference on Monday. “I would love to explain it to him, so that he can go out and do another tweet of saying, ‘You know what, Eric is just a smart manager and now we understand why he was elected by the people of this city of New York.”

Adams’ proposal to speak with 50 Cent came days after the rapper voiced his lack of understanding regarding the Immediate Response Card initiative on social media. “WTF mayor Adams call my phone,” the Queens native wrote in the post, which has since been deleted. “I don’t understand how this works somebody explain. @arimelber can’t explain this I’m stuck maybe TRUMPs the answer.”

The $53 million pilot program to assist NYC migrants was designed under a partnership between the city and Mobility Capital Finance. According to Mayor Adams’ camp, the program is expected to “save New York City more than $600,000 per month, or more than $7.2 million annually.”

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