Are You Fit To Travel? Seven Things To Check Before You Go On Vacation – Travel Noire

Embarking on a journey to new destinations is undoubtedly exhilarating. However, the thrill of travel can have a direct impact on one’s health. The ability to fully savor the wonders of a foreign land hinges on the foundation of personal well-being. Thus, physical and mental fitness becomes paramount for travelers to ensure they can hit the ground running on vacation.

In the quest for travel preparedness, Travel Noire spoke with Dr. Ankrehah Trimble Johnson. Also known as Dr. Kre, the board-certified family medicine physician and international speaker is the visionary behind Brownstone Healthcare & Aesthetics. Recognized in The Birmingham Business Journal’s Top 40 under 40, her multifaceted roles extend beyond the clinic into areas of community service and empowerment.

For Dr. Kre, traveling is a wonderful experience, but personal health is the cornerstone of truly enjoying and making the most of these adventures. Here, Dr. Kre shares tips to embrace the wonders of new places without compromising your well-being.

Travel Noire: Can you elaborate on the importance of hand hygiene during travel?

Dr. Kre: Certainly! Hand hygiene is crucial, especially in transit where access to bathrooms may be limited. Packing hand sanitizer and wipes helps keep germs at bay, particularly in high-touch areas like airport seats and tray tables.

TN: Changing climates can impact allergies. How should travelers prepare?

Dr. Kre: It’s important to be proactive. Changing climates can trigger allergies, so packing allergy medication is a simple yet effective way to handle unexpected sniffles or sneezes in a new environment.

TN: Digestive issues can also be a concern when visiting new destinations. What do you recommend for travelers?

Dr. Kre: Changes in diet during travel can lead to constipation and acid reflux. Packing over-the-counter remedies ensures you’re prepared to address these common health concerns and enjoy your journey comfortably.

TN: Even though the pandemic is technically over, what precautions do you advise for travelers as is relates to COVID-19?

Dr. Kre: Masks remain essential in confined spaces like airplanes. Also, testing a few days after returning home adds an extra layer of safety, ensuring you’re not unintentionally bringing COVID-19 back with you.

TN: Mental health is another key aspect many travelers don’t always consider. How can travelers prioritize this during their journeys?

Dr. Kre: Traveling can impact mental health, so taking some “me time” and practicing self-care while away is crucial. It ensures you return home refreshed and ready to face life’s challenges.

This article has been edited and condensed for length and clarity.