Andscape roundtable: Why Colorado Buffaloes coach Deion Sanders has taken over college football

Andscape senior editor Erik Horne, writer-at-large William Rhoden and senior columnist Clinton Yates and Jean-Jacques Taylor, president of JJT Media Group and author of Coach Prime: Deion Sanders and the Making of Men, sat down in Boulder, Colorado, to discuss the phenomenon of Colorado Buffaloes coach Deion Sanders. In the video, the group discusses:

(0:50) Sanders’ impact on three generations of Black journalists
(5:45) Why Sanders’ story has taken over college football
(10:45) Sanders’ complicated relationship with HBCU football
(21:13) Misconceptions about Sanders’ coaching and recruitment of players
(31:30) What’s next for Sanders and how he can shape college football
(39:20) Final thoughts

Check out the rest of Andscape’s coverage of Deion Sanders here.