Neil deGrasse Tyson Calls for Men in Womens Sports | Video

*Neil deGrasse Tyson is losing his status as a respectable astrophysicist due to his wacky stance on gender ideology

When Tyson appeared on TRIGGERnometry, a free speech YouTube show run by British satirist Konstantin Kisin, he pushed for biological males who identify as females to compete in women’s sports.

Tyson previously hit up TikTok to spew nonsense about gender being a “spectrum,” Daily Mail reported. 

In the clip, Tyson said, “The XX, XY chromosomes are insufficient because when we wake up in the morning, we exaggerate whatever feature we want to portray the gender of our choice. Suppose no matter my chromosomes today I feel 80% female, 20% male. Now I’m going to I’m going to put on makeup. Tomorrow. I might feel 80% male; I’ll remove the makeup, and I’ll wear a muscle shirt… What business is it of yours to require that I fulfill your inability to think of gender on a spectrum?” 

Kisin asked Tyson about his previous remarks and belief that gender exists “on a spectrum.” 

Black transgender youth march for equality (Carlos Avila Gonzalez-The San Francisco Chronicle-Getty Images)

During the show, Tyson said excluding males from women’s teams is an “older view of the world.”

“What the trans conversation is foisting upon us is the need to find ways to slice the athletic universe such that we still have interesting, fair matches,” he said, Fox News reports. “And is it a combination of did you go through puberty as a male and then transition? Did you have puberty blockers? What is your hormone level now… if you want to compete?”

“So it requires more creative thought rather than saying no to at all,” he continued. “It’s an unsolved problem. Yes, but it’s not unsolvable given what we know about human physiology. So why not rise to that occasion and solve it rather than take your older view of the world and force modern emergent conduct of people to fit that?”

When asked about the unfair advantage biological males will have over women in sports, Tyson said a transwoman’s drug cocktail of hormones should be the deciding factor on who gets included. 

“Well, hold on a second. The difference is the difference is physiologically between men and women is not just hormonal. Women have a different hip angle. They have different heart capacities. They have different lung capacity. I mean, there are profound physiological differences, different bone density,” Kisin countered. 

“We’re in a transitional period. So we have to figure that out. But the way to figure out things that require solutions to progressive change is not to regress it to how things once were. If that were the case, I would still be drinking from a segregated water fountain,” Tyson explained. 

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Kisin’s co-host said, “I think a lot of people would have an issue with what you’re saying now because they see women being denied opportunities, they see an unfair playing field, metaphorically and literally speaking.”

Tyson responded by insisting the “playing field” should be fixed to accommodate mentally ill males who identify as female. Some might call this ideology the new patriarchy and misogyny. It’s very much rooted in anti-womanhood. 

“So fix the playing field, damn it!” Tyson clapped back on the YouTube show. “Well, don’t say it’s an unfair playing field so all of a sudden, the big issue is trans women taking the slot of a woman in an unfair playing field. Fix the playing field! And you know something? The day you fix that playing field, this conversation will look completely ridiculous. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”

READ MORE: Neil deGrasse Tyson Uses Science to Show Why Whites Resemble Monkeys More Than Blacks | WATCH

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