*Dr. Kerri Moseley-Hobbs, a guest lecturer and founder of the More Than a Fraction Foundation, will give an innovative presentation on the value of knowing your worth during the “Journey to Success” Webinar, airing live via Zoom on Saturday, November 18, 2023, starting at 5pmPST/8pmEST.
Attendees to the live airing can also receive the private link to the Webinar, a PDF of the presentation slides, and a copy of the nonfiction book “Journey to Success: A Systematic Review” (Dorrance Publishing) by Business Strategist/Consultant Dr. Eunice Moseley. The Webinar will inspire and motivate viewers to reach another level of success by understanding the process, overcoming obstacles, knowing your worth, and making money the way that is most effective.
Dr. Hobbs, also an artist manager for award-winning actor/filmmaker Anthony Michael, has been a visiting lecturer for several institutions, such as Virginia Tech University. Her knowledge is of the history of Africans in America and African-Americans in America from the 18th Century to a Century after the Civil War is extensive. As founder of the More Than a Fraction Foundation her mission is to research and education the public on the documented history of those populations.
She has been responsible for reversing the dishonorable discharge status of a Black (Colored) Union soldier, formerly enslaved, who during the Civil War shot back at a white Confederate soldier who happened to be his former enslaver. Dr. Moseley-Hobbs was instrumental in memorializing a cabin located on the grounds of Virginia Tech where her ancestors lived and an almost 300-year-old tree where the formerly enslaved gather on the same grounds that now house Virginia Tech.
She published a nonfiction book titled “More Than a Fraction: Based on a True Story” built on the research into her own ancestors – the Fractions – who were enslaved on plantations that are now known as the grounds of Virginia Tech. She speaks during the “Journey to Success” Webinar about the benefits of knowing one’s worth.
The Journey to Success Webinar will also offer three other presentations. One is by Dr. Eunice Moseley, also the moderator of the Webinar, who speaks scientifically on achieving success. Dr. Moseley is a Navy veteran trained in Internet communications with a career in various management positions in print media at The Baltimore Times. She is president of Freelance Associates – a business and public relations strategy and consultant firm located in Long Beach, California, and Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Eunice is the founder of the “Uplifting Minds II” Entertainment Conference, celebrating 24 years, which is a free conference that educates about the entertainment business and showcases talents at all levels. She is also a syndicated columnist, The Pulse of Entertainment, which is published twice a week at www.ThePulseofEntertainment.com, and then syndicated resulting in a weekly readership of one million. Another presentation is hosted by Dr. Pastor Winston Grier, a minister at The Church of the Living God in Georgia (Thomson and Greensboro); a Christian radio show host at 104.9FM called “Changing Our World” in Georgia; a highly sought-after life coach and speaker, and the author of the self-help book “Making Money God’s Way” (KingdomWinds.com). Dr. Grier will speak on making money. Last, is Dr. Lee Bailey, an AirForce veteran who had a long career as one of the first black syndicated radio host of the RadioScope Show which aired on over 35 radio stations across the country. Today Dr. Bailey is the publisher of the digital magazine Everything Urban Radio (EURweb.com) published by Rabercom. Dr. Lee Bailey will speak on how he overcame setbacks and adversity while building his iconic digital media outlet.
The Webinar is sponsored in part by The Baltimore Times (BaltimoreTimes-Online.com) and Devine Jamz Gospel Music Network (DevineJamz.com). The Journey to Success Webinar is 1 ½ hours long and offers time at the end to talk to any of the attending presenters.
The Journey to Success Webinar package is available now at www.EventBite./com or www.ThePulseofEntertainment.com/Webinars.html. Admission consists of admittance to the live airing and a copy of the “Journey to Success: A Systematic Review”. Two other J2S packages are available that also include a private link to the Webinar, and/or a PDF of the Webinar presentation slides.
For more information about the Saturday, November 18th Journey to Success Webinar log onto www.ThePulseofEntertainment.com/Webinars.html.
EventBrite link for admission is at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/journey-to-success-a-systematic-review-webinar-tickets-582612950017?aff=ebdssbdestsearch, space is limited.
Freelance Associates
Long Beach, CA 90807
MORE NEWS ON EURWEB: EURweb Publisher Dr. Lee Bailey Co-hosts ‘Journey to Success’ Webinar March 11, 2023
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