Karine Jean-Pierre and Her Partner Suzanne Malveaux Call It Quits

Karine Jean-Pierre – Getty

*White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and her partner of more than a decade, former CNN national correspondent Suzanne Malveaux, have called it quits.

According to Wonderwall, Karine referred to herself as a “single” mom while discussing their 9-year-old daughter, Soleil, during a new Vogue interview.

“I’m a single mom who is co-parenting this amazing kid,” Karine said. “Our No. 1 priority is her privacy and to make sure we create an environment that’s nurturing.”

Meanwhile, Jean-Pierre, a queer Haitian woman, unpacked her coming out journey in a tweet for Pride Month in 2021.

“I came out to my Mom when I was 16 years old. The revolted look on her face sent me running back into the proverbial closet and slamming the door shut,” she wrote.

“After that, my sexuality became a family secret and it would stay that way for years,” she said, adding that she “dated” but “hid those relationships from my family” until they “evolved to embrace” her.

As Wonderwall reports, Karine and Suzanne met at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

“We met at a donor party being held in a nightclub. I know it’s a cliche, but the truth is, I spotted her across a crowded dance floor,” Karine wrote in her memoir, “Moving Forward.” 

In 2021, Jean-Pierre made history when she became the first-ever openly gay woman and the second Black woman to address the White House press corp, EUR reported.

“I appreciate the historic nature. I really do,” Jean-Pierre said at the time when asked about the rarity of a Black woman in her position. “But I believe that being behind this podium, being in this room, being in this building isn’t about one person. It’s about what we do on behalf of the American people. Clearly the president believes representation matters, and I appreciate him giving me this opportunity.”

“This is not about me. This is not about any of us. And anytime I’m behind here … we are going to be truthful, we’re going to be transparent, and that’s the way I believe the president would want us to communicate to the American people,” she added.

READ MORE: White House Reporters Allegedly Frustrated with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

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