Is Black Ink’s Ceaser Headed Back to VH1? | EURExclusive/WATCH

*The Black Ink TV franchise’s season 10 premiered last year announcing that due to animal abuse allegations, the central figure Ceaser would no longer be in the series.  Despite that, he was featured in most of the episodes. Ceaser told iHeart Radio and EURweb Spotlight host Jazmyn ‘Jaz’ Summers he was baffled by that decision.

“I don’t know what that’s about. I thought if you sever ties that means you don’t see this person. I feel like almost the whole season was about me. If you say you gonna do it without me, do it without me. Don’t make your whole season about me. That’s like breaking up with somebody and still living with them”

And he compared working with VH1 to slavery saying he was ripped off.

“I founded it and started a whole franchise. The shops all over the country I bought them with no loans, no credit, no nothing. Straight cash.  I own the copyright for Black Ink but they went behind my back and got the copyright for Black Ink Crew.  It’s just crazy how they do that to young black men when they say they are trying to put us out there and trying to help us when it’s basically just a slavery type of thing. Black Ink wasn’t created by them. It wasn’t their intellectual property.  I’m not their property. They just picked up a camera and started rolling on the lives of some Black kids in Harlem… And it’s so crazy that we are the only ones that really didn’t benefit off the situation at the end at their level. it was a big ass corporation that benefited the most.”


He still feels that the firing was unjust:

“It’s crazy to me because there’s so many situations that happened in the Black Ink franchise that’s way more serious than this. And it’s like y’all decided to cut the ties with somebody of significant stature.  Like I’m not trying to throw dirt up but we had people like this cast member who got RICO charges for selling cocaine but I’m fired for a dog without even a conversation,” Ceaser shares with EURweb Spotlight.


But with the reported new ownership of VH1 and BET by Tyler Perry, could things change?  Jaz caught up with Ceaser this week and asked him.

“We’ll see if the bag is right but I’ve seen the worst with that company. I was there 10 years and they just shoved me out like I was garbage. It left a bad taste in  my mouth but if Tyler wanna sit me down I’m not against it.”


What’s the famed businessman, tattoo artist, and reality show star doing now?

“I’m trying to take over the world,” he tells Jaz. I got my streaming platform, and my clothing line coming out.”

Black Ink's Ceaser and Jazmyn Summers. Photo by Melissa Stoll @melshotya on instagram
Jazmyn Summers and Black Ink’s Ceaser – Photo by Melissa Stoll @melshotya on instagram

Do you think Ceaser should be back on VH1 or BET? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.

You can catch the full conversation in the video immediately above. Video shot by Melissa Stoll @melshotya on Instagram.  And please don’t forget to subscribe to Jazmyn Summers’ youtube.  

Jazmyn Summers - Instagram
Jazmyn Summers – Instagram

Interview/article by Jazmyn Summers. Follow her @jaztalk1 on Instagram and Facebook.

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