‘I Want to Be an Animal: Man Spends $14K to Transform into Dog | Watch

*An unidentified Japanese man is making international headlines after dropping $14K on a costume to transform himself into a dog. 

As reported by the New York Post, the man, who goes by Toco online, shared a video of last week showing his first public walk in a realistic Collie costume. In the description of the video on his YouTube channel, he notes that the footage “was shot last year when I was interviewed by RTL, a German TV station.”

“Thankfully, I received permission to use the videos, so I am releasing them to the public! On the day of the interview, they were very kind to me,” Toco wrote. 

Many people in the comments were intrigued by the other dogs’ reactions to the costume. In the comments of Toco’s clip, one person wrote, “You can always count on children and animals to be 100% genuine. I completely relate to the dogs’ reactions of “wtf is that creepy thing?!” lol”


Another YT user added, “I love how we can witness dogs experiencing the uncanny valley, that is phenomenal. Besides that, if even dogs are unsettled it says a lot.”

A third commented, “It is a very realistic costume. It will fool humans who rely on sight, but not dogs who rely on smell. The dogs are thinking, “This funny dog-shaped thing like a human!”

As Complex reports, the company that designed Toco’s costume said it was “modeled after a collie dog” and took more than a month to craft.

Toco told the Mirror that he was fearful of telling his friends about his transhuman desire to become a dog.

“I rarely tell my friends because I am afraid they will think I am weird,” Toco told the outlet. “My friends and family seemed very surprised to learn I became an animal.”

Toco added, “I don’t want my hobbies to be known, especially by the people I work with.”

Watch Toco’s full transformation into a dog in the YouTube video above.

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