Vic Mensa Facing Lawsuit For Unpaid Rent

Vic Mensa’s been hit with a lawsuit from a landlord who claims he’s way behind on rent.

via: AllHopHop

According to TMZ, the unnamed landlord sued Vic Mensa for $8,340. The plaintiff’s lawyer argued that his client had to pay for real estate taxes, maintenance, and other costs as Mensa occupied the apartment for free.

In response, Vic Mensa’s team told the outlet that the property put The Autobiography album creator’s loved ones in danger. Apparently, someone broke into the place earlier this year while his girlfriend was home alone.

Mensa believes the property owner did not provide adequate security measures which led to him moving out and no longer paying rent. The landlord insists security at the location increased following the incident.

In addition to being a Roc Nation-backed recording artist, Vic Mensa presents himself as an advocate for homeless citizens. He helped raise awareness for the issue in his hometown of Chicago by sleeping under the city’s viaducts.

Mensa has also had problems with the law. In January 2022, police arrested him at the Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia for possession of LSD, Psilocybin mushrooms, and other drugs.

As far as music, Mensa informed fans last October that he completed his sophomore studio LP. He stated at the time, “I’m just waiting on a couple of feature verses and tweaking the mixes, but the creation of the album is complete.”

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