How to Legally Write Off Travel Expenses and Jet Set for Business – Travel Noire

When it comes to managing your business finances, understanding the potential tax deductions available to you is essential. One area that can provide significant savings is deducting your travel expenses. By taking advantage of business write-offs, you can legally deduct legitimate expenses incurred while running your business, effectively lowering your tax bill. The Internal Revenue Service allows for deductions of certain expenses related to business travel, as long as the primary purpose of being away from home is business-related. However, it’s important to ensure that your travel expenses meet the criteria of being ordinary, reasonable, and necessary. By navigating the rules and guidelines set by the IRS, you can make the most of these deductions and potentially save a substantial amount on your taxes.

What Qualifies As Business Travel?

If your trip within the United States is spent engaging in activities directly related to your business, it can be considered a legitimate business trip. That means certain business-related expenses that occur during your getaway may be eligible for tax deductions.

For starters, travel days to and from your destination count as business-related activities. Here are a few more examples of business-related activities, although the list is by no means exhaustive:

  • Participating in conferences or seminars
  • Engaging with clients, potential clients, or business partners
  • Creating marketing content through photography or videography
  • Carrying out research and development activities for your business

Keep in mind that these activities must genuinely serve a business purpose and not solely be for personal enjoyment.


Now, let’s delve into the exciting part—the deduction-eligible expenses when traveling primarily for business purposes. Once your travel is considered business-related, you can deduct transportation expenses such as airfare, rental cars, taxi expenses, or even mileage on your vehicle. You may be able to deduct accommodations used during your travels, such as hotel stays or lodging. In general, when you travel for business purposes, 50% of meal costs are eligible for deduction from your tax bill. However, expenses for lavish meals are not eligible for a deduction, as per the IRS guidelines.

Maintaining thorough documentation is vital when writing off your business-related travel expenses. Hold onto all your receipts and invoices, and record the dates of your business-related activities on your calendar. Document the individuals involved, the topics discussed, and the purpose of each business-related activity.

One helpful tip for organizing your expenses is to book travel accommodations and transportation using a business account or credit card, as many offer rewards programs. This helps keep your travel records in order and allows you to take advantage of any perks associated with your business credit card. Numerous digital tools and apps are available to simplify expense tracking as well.

Stay Compliant

Remember, staying compliant with IRS guidelines is essential for writing off your summer business travel. Keep in mind that the trip must primarily serve a business purpose, and maintain meticulous documentation of all your expenses. By following the IRS guidelines and maintaining proper documentation, you can potentially write off your summer business travel and make the most of this advantageous opportunity.