Woman’s Arm Sewn to Stomach After Pitbull Attack | Video

Samantha Hesler’s arm sewn to her stomach after Pitbull attack / GoFundMe

*An Atlanta woman had to have her arm sewn to her stomach in an attempt to save it after being viciously attacked by a pit bull.

According to Ice Cream Convos, Samantha Hesler was attacked by a Pit Bull Bully while dog-sitting in her home on May 20. She had to have emergency surgery at the Grady Hospital’s Trauma Center and spent a month receiving treatment.

In an attempt to save her badly mauled arm (which later became infected), doctors decided to sew it to her stomach rather than amputate it. She continues to receive round-the-clock treatment at the hospital, according to Ice Cream Convos. 

“I’m not doing too good. I have very rough days. I cry at least two or three times a day,” Hesler told reporters. Her teen daughter Kanya said the mauling occurred after the dog snapped.

People just think a dog bite is like, ‘Ooh a dog just bit me.’ Like it looks like she got attacked by a shark,” Kanya said.

In an effort to save her mother during the dog attack, Kanya stabbed the canine in the eye with a knife.

Samantha has since had multiple surgeries. She also learned that the dog was bred to attack.

Animal Control reportedly said no charges would be filed against the dog’s owner.

Carroll County Animal Control euthanized the dog, Ice Cream Convos reports. 

A GoFundMe has been created to help with Samantha’s medical expenses.

“Samantha supports her children by providing dog grooming, boarding and welping services. It is her entire independent income and in the blink of an eye her and her children’s lives are now forever changed,” the campaign page states, in part. “She has a very long and hard road to recovery ahead of her , physically as well as mentally. We are hoping to be able to raise enough money to help cover her living expenses for her and her children during her recovery. Anything at all will be so greatly appreciated and even if you can only offer prayers for her and her children at this time that is very much appreciated as well.”

The fundraiser has surpassed its goal of $10K.

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