Vacations are supposed to be fun and exciting. However, not being in the best shape can sometimes cast a shadow over an upcoming trip. Somehow summer always comes and no one is beach body ready.
Intrusive thoughts about your body can be restricting and weigh you down emotionally. That’s why it’s important to practice intuitive eating whenever possible. Intuitive eating is a phrase coined by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995, according to Well + Good.
“Through the process of intuitive eating, the goal is to understand the difference between physical hunger, the biological urge that tells us that we need a replenishment of nutrients, and emotional hunger, which is driven by hunger and emotional needs,” dietian Tracy Beckerman told the publication.
Intuitive eating first emerged in the 1970s before it even had a name. However, during a time when body dysmorphia is at an all-time high, the practice is becoming more popular among travelers. Here are some ways to practice intuitive eating to make your next trip even better than expected.
Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

It can be easy to fall into the trap of self-humiliation if you’re uncomfortable with your body while traveling. From intentionally avoiding outfits to skipping meals, negative thoughts about your self-image can ruin a trip. Try not to be so hard on yourself when traveling when it comes to how you look.
The goal of a vacation isn’t to shame yourself for your size. If you have ongoing food or diet plans, give yourself a break while you’re traveling. That doesn’t mean overeat and go crazy. You set the standard and that includes your diet.
Be Intentional When Dieting & Restricting Foods
Going into a vacation with strict dieting plans can cause anxiety and stress. Therefore, it’s actually counterproductive to your reason for traveling. Be flexible with your restricting diet when you’re on vacation. A good way to do this is to be open-minded to trying local fare wherever you’re visiting. Stay away from chain restaurants and your usual cuisine. Step outside of the box and try something new.
Be In The Moment With Physical Fitness

Instead of going on vacation with the intention of jogging each morning, remain in the moment about physical activity. Traveling naturally put extra stress on the body. It also can make you very tired, especially if you’re traveling across timezones. Jetlag is real, so you might not want to exercise every morning. Leave the option of physical fitness on the table when you’re traveling, but don’t make it mandatory.
Practice Mindfulness
Practicing mindfulness is a great way to stay in the moment when traveling. If you find yourself stressing about self-image while traveling, center yourself by closing your eyes and checking in with your senses. What do you feel and hear? What do you smell and so on? This is a quick mindfulness exercise to center yourself if anxiety sets in while traveling when practicing intuitive eating.