TikTok Influencer Warns Tourists About Strict Rome Dress Code At Landmarks – Travel Noire

An Australian TikTok influencer hopped onto the app recently to warn travelers about dressing appropriately while visiting Europe. Jackie Hodge, 26, posted a video in May after she was denied entry into multiple historic landmarks while visiting Rome. 

“Hot tip: don’t dress like a hoe in Europe at least not in the daytime when you want to go to churches and monuments,” Hodge said in her video caption.

Known as jetsetting_jacki on TikTok, Hodge has grown online as the self-proclaimed “chaotic travel bestie” of her 12.1 thousand followers. Providing tips for budget travel, easy hacks, and travel wardrobe options, Hodge’s video detailing her experience in Rome was a good tip for some and a nuisance for others.

Cracking Down On Wild Tourists

At a glance, Hodge’s outfit didn’t appear to be what she described as “too slutty.” The white dress was relatively loose fitting with a v-neck, an exposed back, and short sleeves. However, Hodge was dismissed from many tourist hotspots including the Pantheon, the Vatican, and the Museum of the Dead. 

“At places like the Pantheon, they just said ‘no, get out’ as robes to cover up were not available,” Hodge told the Independent.

In the video, Hodge calls out the reasons for her repeated entry denial including exposed knees, back, shoulders, and cleavage. Since she’d already seen many monuments that day, she opted to wait outside with her friends. However, she still wanted to warn other travelers so they could avoid being denied entry. 

While Hodge’s video encouraged travelers to “dress appropriately” when visiting the ancient, Roman landmarks, many users were disgruntled by her disdain for Roman culture. Many Italian regions have started enforcing stricter rules for rowdy tourists visiting the country.

From bad behavior to indecent wardrobe, fines are flying around Italy to crack down on uncouth behavior. In 2022, the city of Sorrento began issuing a fine for tourists walking around shirtless with exposed nipples, according to the Independent. While some may feel the rules are restricting, others believe it’s as simple as respecting customs in foreign spaces.

Respecting International Customs 

Oftentimes, there is a disconnect between the desires of foreign travelers and the rules in the country they are visiting. Hodge experienced this firsthand when she was unable to enter the Roman monuments. However, many online users were thankful for her advice.

“Why are the comments acting like she’s complaining and upset,” one user said. “She’s just making a psa for other people.”

Some disagreed and questioned why Hodge would try to enter a religious building with so much exposed skin. 

“OK, Bestie, you couldn’t have thought the Vatican would let you in like that – when have they ever had a chill rap,” said another user. 

Rome isn’t the only country with varying dress codes depending on where you’re visiting. Some countries still outlaw women wearing trousers and it’s against the law to wear sandals while driving in Spain.

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