Robert De Niros’ Take On Gentle Parenting | Watch

*It’s a three-day weekend and Sebastian Maniscalco wants you to spend it with his play-fam!

“About My Father” stars the iconic Robert De Niro as Sebastian’s father and Maniscalco as himself.

The comedy follows two families from significantly different socioeconomic backgrounds during a holiday weekend in Virginia. 

EUR sat down with the legend and comedian and talked about posters, parenting, and poking fun.

Sebastian Maniscalco as Sebastian and Robert De Niro as Salvo in About My Father.
Sebastian Maniscalco as Sebastian and Robert De Niro as Salvo in About My Father. Photo Credit: Dan Anderson

Q: What do you think about the concept of gentle parenting?

RD: I like the idea of being a gentle parent, but sometimes that doesn’t work. The other day with my daughter, I had to be very clear and very strong with her. There was no other way to deal with it. You try to be understanding and loving and nice, and then you just say, ‘No.’

Q: What would your dad’s reaction be if you told him you needed more gentle parenting?

SM: I don’t think that’s even in my father’s vocabulary. My father’s extremely honest and he critiques my comedy, critiques my performances. He’s harsh in his criticism. However, he is extremely proud. When I do well, he’ll definitely acknowledge it. But there’s no gentle in my father whatsoever.

Robert De Niro as Salvo in About My Father
Robert De Niro as Salvo in About My Father. Photo Credit: Dan Anderson

Q: What is the most embarrassing or silly thing you’ve done as a parent or your parents has done to you?

SM: I guess…I like to embarrass my daughter purposely at school. I do it on purpose. I like to see her reaction. How she says, “Daddy, it’s okay. Get away. Don’t do that!’ I purposely try to embarrass my kids.

RD: I’ve done that because I know they’re so embarrassed and I make silly faces and not goofy like when you’re taking them to school. I have done that sort of thing with my kids. You know they’re going to be horrified if you act stupid. For that very reason, you do something that you know will embarrass them.

Q: In the film Sebastian is intimidated by Ellie’s family. What or who intimidates you, fellas?

SM: Working with Bob was a little intimidating at the start. This is the guy that did “Good Fellows,” I had posters on my wall, and now I’m staring in a movie with him. It was intimidating. Not anything he was doing on purpose, it was just in my own head. I was like, ‘oh, my God! Can I do this?’

RD: There’s always something [that intimidates me]…

#AboutMyFather will be released on May 26.

For Robert and Sebastian’s full interview click the video at the top of the page. View the trailer for “About My Father,” below.

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