Herschel Walker at Center of Six-Figure Political Scandal

Herschel Walker scandal
Herschel Walker speaks during a campaign rally on December 4, 2022 in Loganville, Georgia. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

*Herschel Walker’s unsuccessful bid for the US Senate in Georgia in 2022 has prompted a watchdog group to ask federal election officials to investigate whether he broke campaign finance laws.

The complaint was filed Friday with the Federal Election Commission by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), The Daily Beast reports. Among the filings are emails that appear to show Walker soliciting donations from Montana billionaire Dennis Washington for his campaign. He also told Washington’s representative to transfer more than $530,000 of the total to Walker’s company, HR Talent.

Individual contributions to a candidate’s campaign are limited by federal law, and candidates cannot solicit donations exceeding those limits.

The complaint alleges that Walker solicited contributions “far in excess” of the legal limits.

Per The Daily Beast:

“According to the legal experts who spoke to The Daily Beast for this article, this scheme appears to not just be illegal—it appears to be unparalleled in its audacity and scope. The transactions raise questions about a slew of possible violations. In fact, these experts all said, the scheme was so brazen that it appears to defy explanation, ranking it among the most egregious campaign finance violations in modern history.”

“Saurav Ghosh, director of federal reform at Campaign Legal Center, called the arrangement ‘jaw-dropping.’ Jordan Libowitz, communications director at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said if Walker ‘used the campaign to funnel money into his own business, that’s one of the biggest campaign finance crimes I’ve ever heard of.’ Brendan Fischer, a campaign finance lawyer and deputy executive director of Documented, remarked that the exchanges were ‘stunning and, to my knowledge, without parallel in recent history.’”

The complaint asks the commission to “impose sanctions appropriate to these violations, and take such further action as may be appropriate, including referring this matter to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution.”

CREW president Noah Bookbinder, said in a statement: “The evidence we’ve seen so far raises so many questions about what was really going on here that only an immediate and thorough investigation will suffice.”

READ MORE: Pastor Jamal Bryant Slams Herschel Walker for Being GOP’s Token Negro | Video

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