‘So Is The Baby!’: Southwest Passenger’s Meltdown Over Crying Infant Goes Viral

Southwest Airlines passenger has meltdown over crying baby

*The phrase “So Is The Baby!” is trending on Twitter after a Southwest Airlines passenger, irate over a baby crying, screamed it to a flight attendant who was trying to calm him down and told him, “Sir you are yelling.”

It’s bad enough being stuck on a flight that’s in a holding pattern due to weather, but having to hear a baby crying nonstop for 40 to 45 minutes was just too much for this man, who was on a flight from Baltimore to Orlando. A nearby passenger, @mjgrabowski, began filming him for TikTok shortly after he snapped.

“I paid for a ticket to have a f**king comfortable flight,” the man says to a gaggle of flight attendants at his seat. “That child has been crying for 40 minutes!”

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A flight attendant says to him, “Listen, let’s be rational for a second…” and attempted to remind him that it’s a baby. Babies cry. But the man cut her off.

“No, no, no, no, no!  No!,” he replied. “You wanna be rational? Let’s be rational. We in a f**king tin can with a baby in a goddamn echo chamber…” (At this point, she walks away and the male flight attendant responds with “okay, okay, okay.”) “…and you want to talk to me about being f**ing OK?”

“Because you are yelling,” said the male flight attendant.

“So is the baby!!!!!!” the man responds.

“But, you’re a man!” said the flight attendant.

The passenger responded, “Did that motherf**ker pay extra to yell?!”

Passenger complaining over screaming baby
Passenger complaining over screaming baby

The Fort Lauderdale bound plane eventually landed in Orlando and all passengers were forced to deplane. But the disgruntled man stayed in his seat, according to @mjgrabowski, apparently still upset over the crying baby. Eventually he was met at the gate by security, and @mjgrabowski posted footage of him trying to explain his side of the story.

“He tried to plead his case that he had a right to yell because there was two adults with the crying baby and he shouldn’t have been disturbed,” @mjgrabowski wrote over the video. It’s unclear what happened after the man was escorted away by security.

Southwest released this statement to ABC News saying, “We commend our crew for exhibiting outstanding professionalism while handling a challenging situation and we appreciate the patience of our other customers onboard who had to experience the behavior.”

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